Hi all,
The other day, I was clipping my little bundle of joy's nails
and I noticed a little patch of orangish flaky skin on her
(Dusty - Silver mitt) belly. Our other girl , Cleo (a dark sable),
doesn't have any sign of it.  Its not very big - about the size
of a dime.  I'm not quite sure but I thought I read something
about this ("orange crusties?") a while back on the FML but I
can't find it.  Could somebody clue me in on what this might be
and if it is a serious problem.  Might it just be an irritation
from scratching or something like that as I think they are
starting to shed and get their winter coat.
Rob, Dusty "the crazy woman" and
     Cleo "the sofisticated"
[Posted in FML issue 0958]