Can anyone offer more information on this mystery green virus?  If this
has been discussed recently, I apologize but I'm new to the list -
please e-mail me directly.
I hear these stories and it makes me worried.  I found a little pile of
"almost diarrhea" and when I picked it up, it looked normal in color
until I noticed the tissue had a greenish tint - dark evergreen like -
almost black.  That's the first thing I thought of and just wanted some
re-assurance.  I feel like I'm a hypochondriac when it comes to the
little ones! That's the only pile I noticed and the litterbox looks
fine.  No signs of green stuff.  Can anyone tell me what exactly this
looks like (color-wise).
Thanks for the help,
Michelle (the new mommy) & the gang.
[Posted in FML issue 0956]