To Elizabeth (and Roland) -
        I read your heartbreaking story, and I hope that you have not yet signed
off the FML.  I sympathize with your loss, and although what happened with
Albert is a tragedy of the highest order, some good may (actually already has)
come of it, and I applaud you for posting it to the list.
        As  a veterinarian who deals with death on a daily basis, it's hard not
to become inured to the very transient nature of life, and the wonder with which
we should behold this greatest miracle of all.  Participating in the FML and
seeing the love and respect which my fellow FMLers treat their ferrets helps
keep me grounded.
        The story of your loss and how you are bravely dealing with it once
again brings home to me (as I hope it does to everyone else on the list) how
special my own ferrets are. So often we take them for granted.  I hope everyone
realizes from your story that they won't be here forever.
        At any rate, as you miss Albert, so shall we miss you when you depart
the list.  While Albert cannot be replaced, I will hope that you will find
another ferret with which to share your love for animals.  Best of luck.
Bruce Williams
[Posted in FML issue 0956]