1.  Michelle - I wish someone with a lot of power or influence could tell
the manufacturers of Ferretone what a terrible disservice they are
doing!  Four pumps per day of Ferretone is probably enough to kill a ferret
with a massive overdose of Vitamin A!  When I lived in California and did
not have access to information (we stayed very much underground), we
believed everything we read.  To make a long story short, I almost killed
Jocko with love (and Ferretone/Linatone).  I finally found a vet who
diagnosed him with liver problems brought on by the Vitamin A.  Our club
recommends no more than 5 drops PER DAY. It's probably better to use it
only as a treat when cutting nails or cleaning ears.
2.  Jody - I quit using scoopable litter after only a very short time
because I saw one of my ferrets taking food from its bowl to the litter
pan and eating the food (and I assume some litter).  Considering that
the litter is designed to clump when it gets wet, I decided not to take
a chance with having to do surgery to remove an intestinal blockage.
So my personal experience is that I would not risk it!
3.  Quite a few people have lost ferrets recently.  My heart goes out to
all of you since one of my ferrets, Baretta, died less than a month ago.
Remember the good times you had with your ferrets.  Eventually,
remembering these moments will bring a smile to your face.
        - Carla Almaraz
[Posted in FML issue 0955]