Hello fellow ferreters.
Lately I have noticed more than one reference to towels causing
intestinal blockages. Our fold-out couch has become Kitka & Charlotte's
favorite napping place. To stop them from nesting in the mattress/bed pad
I cut a full size towel lengthwise and placed it along the area in the
couch back that they have claimed. (They are not in danger of being sat
on, they really are in the back of the couch.) Also I have an old towel
in their box in their cage. Is this a potential problem? Should something
else be used? If so, does anyone have suggestions? I cant think of
anything indestructible enough to substitute.
BTW, Kitka's biting is somewhat better. She *did* get my husband twice on
the upper lip of all places and really drew blood. However it has been
about two weeks since she has done anything at all painful and longer
since the horrible lip incidents. Thanks to everyone who made suggestions.
I want to express my condolences to everyone who has had fuzzy sadness of
any kind in the recent weeks. I know you must be feeling terrible and my
thoughts are with you.
Good luck in Dover with your apartment/ferret incompatibility. I wish we
could take them but we are in New Mexico. If you run out of time and have
no options at all we would be glad to take them if you can think of a
good way to get them here!
Paula & Matt
Kitka & Charlotte
[Posted in FML issue 0954]