Yep, me again.  Sorry to post twice, but the last one was business
and this is more personal, although I am still asking *more* questions.
        First, could somebody send me either the number of the issue in which
the new ferret paraphenalia catalog address appearred, or the address itself?
        Second, anybody in the Virginia/North Carolina area, could you please
tell me what ferret vets you know of in the Tidewater/Hampton Roads area?
(As far out as Chesepeake and Suffolk is fine).  My husband and I would like
to move to Norfolk/Virginia Beach when we're done, and although I'll probably
mail just about every small animal and/or exotics practice in the area, I'd
love to get an idea of who specifically sees ferrets.  Actually, if anyone
happens to know of particularly good bird practices in that area, too, I'm
sure my husband would be grateful for that sort of input. Thanks in advance
for your help on this, too!
Laura L'Heureux Kupkee,
Trella and Tribble the ferrets, and Ian the hubby
U. of Illinois Vet Med Class of `96
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[Posted in FML issue 0951]