Do ferrets make good watch animals?  We fuzzy lovers all agree
that they are *very* curious and inquisitive.  My female
sable, Nuke Skyjoker, somehow believes that she is in charge of
our apartment while we are gone.  In our old apartment, she used
to sleep in a pouch under the footrest of our armchair.  Every
time I came home, I called out, "Hi, kids.  Mommy is home.  Come
out and kiss my feet!"
Nuke, without fail, poked her head out of the pouch with her
narrow sleepy eyes, as if to say "Oh, it's mom..."  Then retreated
into the comfy pouchbed again.  She didn't even come out to sniff my
feet or check my backpack  (this chore would be done later when
mom was not looking...).  But I love the feeling that she, with
her tiny little body, tried to have things under control.
Yuki     with good old Swampy (6 yo male sable)
              tiny Nuke Skyjoker (I *LOVE* this toothpaste)
              sneaky Mythril (1.5 yo female sivler-mitt)
[Posted in FML issue 0950]