   We were the ones whose ferret had that particular problem.  Our oldest
male, Ripple, had several of these spots on his back.  We treated them
with Panalog (we always keep some around) and that seemed to clear it up.
Lately we've noticed it again, somewhat lighter than before, just under
his chin and along his tail, and we've begun treatments again.
   Ripple didn't seem to find the spots painful at all, although he did
flinch a bit when we rubbed the Panalog into the heavier spots.  There
were no other indications of anything wrong with him, and his appetite
and playfulness continued unabated.
   We'd pretty much assumed that this was just one of the problems of
old age in ferrets (Ripple is around 8 years old).  Now I'm starting to
wonder, although none of our other weasels show any indication of having
this problem.
Steve and Colleen
Continually Matching Wits with Missy, Newone, Zebulon Pike, Minx,
                               Slinky, Puck, and Ripple
[Posted in FML issue 0949]