Hello everyone,
        I am posting for a friend of mine.  She has a Masters degree in
Biology/Mammalogy.  About ten days ago she was laid off from her job at
an environmental consulting firm and has been applying to several places
for a new job.  However, she finds that she has a lot of "down" time and
has considered volunteer work but couldn't decide what she would be best
at doing.  Well, she has two ferrets of her own which she pampers to
death and can't ever get enough of, so I suggested volunteering at a
ferret shelter.  She thought this was a great idea and I offered to post
for her.  She lives in the Harrisburg, Pa area, so members of the
Susquehana Valley Ferret Association might be able to help us out.  She
is not squemish about many things and is very gentle with her own
ferrets.  Any info you can give me is appreciated.  Please respond to me
directly.  Thanks.
Michael Shaughnessy
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[Posted in FML issue 0946]