Right now we've got five ferrets.  We have them all in separate cages due
to the fact that they fight.  We can let Senor and Princess out together to
play; We let Senor and XCaret out together.  Lucci seems to want to fight
with the others.  Princess drags XCaret around by the scruff of the neck,
and Cherokee is another issue.  Shall I just let them duke it out a few times
until they establish who's who in this family or should I keep them separate?
Also, I don't know if I should let Senor and Princess in the same cage since
they are Mother and Son.  She's a little over a year old and Senor is
4 1/2 months.
Senor had a mishap about a week ago.  He caught his wizzer in the cage.
Now, when he goes potty, he will do his business in the litter box, but pee's
on the floor of his cage.  My guess is he has a pretty sensitive wizzer right
now after getting hung by it, but I also don't want him to develop a bad
habit.  Any suggestions.
[Posted in FML issue 0945]