thank you, first of all, to kathryn and brenda for calling me yesterday.
please, if someone has some help, feel free to call!
now, the ongoing saga of the five week old babies that my friend of a friend
has.  well, their eyes just opened up and they seem to be doing better,
according to him (as a sub-plot, he's giving me the name of the breeder he
got them from so anyone can call this guy and complain about him selling
ferrets that young to someone) but he hasn't taken them to the vet yet.  i'm
trying to convince him to do that.  so he's bringing them over tonight - what
kind of advice (besides the heating pad) can i give him?  also, he is feeding
them mushed up with water science diet kitten food, which is good, but should
they be getting kitten milk formula or anything like that?
beckers, larry, and the even wilder eleven
Becki Kain              [log in to unmask]
(313) 248-6044
[Posted in FML issue 0908]