Howdy all,
This is a short note to tell y'all about the ferret show here in
Pittsburgh this past weekend. Well, I'm only going to report about
the competition - the show was a show, but well put on.
For those who have never showed a ferret at a show (such as Lorraine
and myself - last week), here's how it works: The fuzzies are divided
into three classes - kits, neuters and breeders. Each class is shown
separately and each is awarded ribbons/trophies separately. For each
class there are three judges, each of whon looks at each ferret. The
ferrets are judged on a 100 point scale. The judges look for color, fitness,
alertness, cleaniness, etc. After all of the ferrets for a single class
are shown, the top ten ferrets in each ring (a ring is the term used to
describe a judge) receive a ribbon. Thus, thirty ribbons are awarded in
each class.  At the end of the show, the ferret that received the most
points (the summation of the points from all three judges) is awarded
"Best of Class".
Okay, enough with education, on with bragging! Our Skitter, a 13 month
old jill (neuter) won a second place ribbon in one ring. What seemed
to have impressed the judge was her alertness (she stood on her hind legs
to get the toy the judge was showing her). Our Chewbacca, a 7 month old
hob (neuter) won a first, fourth and sixth place ribbon. In addition,
drum roll please, Chewie was awarded Best of Show.
Now for some blatant advertising: Our Chewie is a MASKateers ferret.
Hi Michelle! (Michelle was a steward at the show, kind of an assistant
Gerry Roston ([log in to unmask])    | IX - The enumeration in the Constitution,
Field Robotics Center,          | of certain rights, shall not be construed
Carnegie Mellon University      | to deny or disparage others retained by the
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213           | people.
(412) 268-6568                  |
The opinions expressed are mine |
and do not reflect the official |
position of CMU, FRC, RedZone,  |
or any other organization.      |
[Posted in FML issue 0935]