Hey gang -
I need some advice.  I noticed a few days ago that Duncan (my 3-4 year
old male <unsure of the age since I adopted him>) - looked like the
hair on his tail had thinned a bit.  Not very much - probably only
enough for a "mommy" to notice.  I also know that he seems to have a
bit of a belly - even though he has lost 0.5 lbs since Binky arrived
on the scene.  (Binky is a 5-1/2 month old fireball who keeps Duncan
hopping ... literally...)
At any rate - I know from Dr. Williams info on adrenal problems that
hair loss is a classic sign.  I also note that there is no good test
for determining the estrogen levels in ferrets.  So ... how much hair
loss constitutes the "classic sign"?  I'd hate to subject him to an
unnecessary exploratory surgery - but I'd hate even worse to wait to
long on something like this.
To reiterate - the hair loss is barely noticeable, he does have a bit
of a belly (current weight is 2.4 lbs.) - everything else seems very
normal.  Eats well and plays beautifully.  (I'm VERY proud of the playing
part.  Duncan was neglected and abused when I got him.  He's come a
very long way.   Sweetest boy I could have ever asked for!)
Thanks!  Huge HUGS and raisins to the fuzzies!!!
                                Cheryl Cato
Computing & Information Services   \'o.O'        Unix Systems Administration
Texas A&M University               =(___)=       013C Teague
College Station, TX  77843-3142       U          Phone  (409)845-6908
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[Posted in FML issue 0935]