Hi all in Ferret land!!
First I would like to apologise to everyone for having my head you know where
for these last past weeks.  One reason (among many more) is the ferret show
that was held over the weekend in PA, GREAT show by the way.  Never was there
a gathering of nicer people.
Well here is my results......Although FML's Gerry Roston and Lorraine
Thompson did MUCH better then I :-) But I guess I can live vicariously
through them! ;-)
MASKeteer's Zipper Boy........1st place in the Mutt class!! He really
                                            is an odd boy!
MASKeteer's M.R.Motley.......5th place in the Mutt class!!
                                                          (Zipper's half
brother) I'm  starting to                                                see
a patern here! :-)
MASKeteer's My T Zackeri.....2nd place in Ring one...Breeding hob.
                                            7th place in Ring two....Breeding
It was a great show!
 And it was really nice to be with a whole crowd of people who feel the same
about ferrets as I do! Or should I say fellow ferret fanatics? But my husband
was totally bored out of his tree! He doesn't even fill water bottles!
So take care all,
Michelle and The Prize winning MASKeteers:-):-):-):-):-)
[Posted in FML issue 0935]