Hi all!
Here's the recipe I use for Duck Soup, although there are probably plenty
variations out there.
1 can Sustacal (out of the four packs they sell - these can be bought
at any grocery store)
About 1 - 1 1/2 c. of food, with enough water to soften
1 can water (use Sustacal can)
Basically, put first three ingredients in blender and blend. (I recommend
letting the food sit overnight to get *really* soft.) Add as much
Nutrical as you think necessary (I use 2 - 3 inches) and continue to
blend until you have a brown mush.
You can freeze this stuff in ice cube trays - it freezes great! - and
thus monitor how much you're giving.
You can also use Ensure instead of Sustacal.
Sorry this is so unscientific - After making so much of it, I'm really
imprecise and I'm not at home right now to look at the recipe.
BTW, I always use the Vanilla flavor Sustacal - something about using the
chocolate gives me the willies....
Amy + Elektra (who *loves* Duck Soup), Ian, Claudia, Sidney & Max
[Posted in FML issue 0932]