A few comments, first about the FML.  Chris, you've done a great job with
it, and I'll be sorry to see you go.  I hope that you will continue to read
it, and to contribute occasionally.
>From: [log in to unmask] (Chris Lewis)
>Subject: FML
>Date: Sat Aug 20 00:14:23 EDT 1994
>It seems to me that the FML should divorce itself from the lousy
>manual-intensive junk I run, and go "properly" onto the listserv.
>Once that happens, then the list owner's job is not much more
>than examining bounces and determining when to cut off a broken
>mail address.  Once this state is reached, then "owning" the list
>is a simple job and you don't need to figure out how my software
Part of what makes the FML what it is is that it isn't run in the normal
listsrv fashion.  I like having a moderator to filter out the garbage for
us.  Does listsrv have a way to do this?  One advantage that I can see for
using listsrv is that as soon as a message is received, it can be sent to
everyone who does not get the list in digest mode.  I guess that there is
good and bad about both ways.
>From: [log in to unmask] (Genevieve Crabe)
>Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 13:17:29 -0400
>Subject: Re: Ferret Ball
>Submitted-Date: Fri Aug 19 15:28:02 EDT 1994
>To Dave, re: Ferret Ball
>We have a large ball that our kids just love. You can get them from
I made a nice ferret ball, and all I had to do was drink 5.5 gallons of
Coors.  A Coors party ball, cleaned out with the top cut off makes a great
ferret ball.  The only problem is that it isn't clear.  My ferrets enjoy
playing in theirs.
Brian Millham
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 0929]