Hello to all!!  we are the parents of two adorable little trouble makers, a
silver-mit named Junior (as in son) and Tipper a masked female that keeps
J.R. (as well as us) on our toes.  We are facing an iminent (read: military
PCS) move to California and would like to here from anyone who knows the laws
regarding ownership, shots, whatever.  Would appreciate direct mailings to
[log in to unmask], or [log in to unmask] since I look at my mail everyday vice a
quick scan of the listserver stuff that I get.  Thanks in advance.
   Steve and Patty, Junior, Tipper, Snikkers (the cat) Stella (the dog) and
Oliver (the Guinea Pig)
   -->Remember:  The Gene Pool has no lifeguard<<---
[Posted in FML issue 0929]