I can't give you an exact name for your ferret, but if you didn't mind doing
a little research, maybe use a name of a woman who's climbed Mount Everest??
My youngest one, Buster, is forever climbing the outside of the four and half
foot cage and I jokingly call him 'King Kong' when he gets into these sprints
of doing this repeatedly. The only problem is - he can get up there as easy as
can be - BUT the little bum can't get down!! "MOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! I want DOWN
so I can get into MORE trouble!!!!!!"
Of course, you could always just call your ferret Everest (or any preferred
mountain - I like Fuji myself).
Good luck hunting down a name for your little 'monkey'!!
Georgette and the gang of Gushi, Nik, Buster and Geisha!!
[Posted in FML issue 0929]