>Unfortunately, I am very allergic to my three ferrets.  I've been able to cope
>with the help of two HEPA air cleaners which seem to make a big difference
Back in issues 754 and 757, Michelle Suzanne Kurtz posted about being
allergic to her ferrets, and about a product that seems to give her relief:
>Allergy Relief/Small Animals
>The Bramton Company
>Customer Service
>(214) 438-0397
>P.O. Box 655450
>Dallas, TX 75265-5450
You apparently rub it into their fur once a week. I didn't want to tie up
too much space by reposting the entire articles, since back issues of the
FML can be ordered from LISTSERV anyway (as explained in the FML headers).
If anyone wants those articles and can't access the LISTSERV for some reason,
email me directly and I'll email you the articles.
>Favorite ferret games: definitely housework. Making the bed or sweeping the
>floor seems to induce instant euphoria (them, not me).
For some reason both Cassie and Sammy are *fascinated* by the broom. Whenever
I'm sweeping they come running, sniffing at the broom and trying to grab it or
climb on it (which makes sweeping just a *little* difficult :)
In my own personal ferret world, Sammy just had his last set of initial
shots and check-up and is in great shape (ear mites all cleared up; I had
to treat all three ferrets to be on the safe side :P ). And is he growing!
He's already bigger than my other two, and makes Cassie look positively tiny
(she's just under 2 pounds, while Sammy is almost 3 pounds at just 14 weeks!).
I think he's gonna be a big'un.
Anyway, bye for now.
John, Buddy, Cassidy, and Sammy
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
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[Posted in FML issue 0929]