> From: "Jason W. Creager" <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Sat, 20 Aug 1994 22:31:59 -0500 (CDT)
> Subject: Whole Male ferret
> Submitted-Date: Sun Aug 21 03:26:22 EDT 1994
> Well, my next door neighbor caught the bug and bought a 12 week old
> ferret (with cage, carrier, shots, etc. for $80).  He's still whole, so
> my main questions are WHEN and WHAT?
>   When should he be neutered?  He's already HUGE (bigger than Fosgate and
> twice as big as Rockford!)  Is there anything they need to watch for as a
> sign of him coming into season?  When should he start?
> And, is there a final answer on the "Descent or not to descent" question?
> Boy, he's loud!  We gave him a bath and he chirped more than mine ever
> have and he yelped like I've never heard a ferret before when we trimmed
> his nails. Even when I've stepped on one of mine, they've never been that
> loud!
> Thanks guys!
  We bought a young albino male from a local breeder about two years ago.
We did have him fixed, but did not have him descented.  We found that this
worked very well; being neutered, his scent glands never really developed
to their fullest--er, potential--and there have been no problems.  Unless
your neighbor really wants to keep him whole, that's what we'd recommend.
Steven and Colleen
Constantly Matching Wits with Missy, Newone, Zebulon Pike, Minx,
                              Slinky, Puck, and Ripple
[Posted in FML issue 0927]