Hello all!
I am interested in getting a copy of Practical Guide to Ferret Care...
Where do I get a copy?  A local bookstore or elsewhere?  I called
one and they had no knowledge of its existance.  I'd like it for the
info on shelters.
Also...Someone had previously said they could mail me a list of
possible names for ferrets....Haven't found the post yet as I'm
archiving my FML now.  Could you please send that?
MASKeteer?  Is this the same MASKeteer that's in the STAR Database and
in Warren OH?  Could you please send more info?  Thank you much.
Alayne M. Whaley            !
[log in to unmask] !      This space intentionally left blank.
[log in to unmask]            !
[Posted in FML issue 0923]