>Our ferret Arnold used to have two whitish spots in the back of his throat,
>sort of like tonsils. (one on each side) Then one went away, and the other
>became larger.  Now the larger one is growing, and is about half as big as a
>common pencil eraser.  Is this a tumor or an infection??  Is there a simple
>cure, or do we need a doctor?  I have suppressed the desire to try to pop the
>thing.  Comments appreciated.
Dear Sleepless:
Sorry to be so long in replying; I'm catching up on my mail after a week
off.  Yes, ferrets do have paired tonsils in the back of the throat.  You
may be dealing with either an infection or a tumr, it's difficult to say.
If one is growing, the possibility of lymphosarcoma (the tonsil is a
lymphoid organ) should be considered.
I know of no simple cure for your problem without a trip to the vet.  I
would not suggest trying to pop anything in the back of your ferret's
throat - it may prove a problem for the both of you....
       Bruce Williams, DVM                 Department of Veterinary Pathology
       [log in to unmask]         Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
       (202) 576-2453/2454                 Washington, D.C.  20306-6000
[Posted in FML issue 0923]