Hi Gang,
To: Alayne M. Whaley
Concerning name change:
Alayne, I _WOULDN"T_ consider changing your fuzzies name an act of cruelty!
:-)  Sometimes it is the best thing to do in my opinion.
In the Case of one of my Shelter ferrets named Charlie, who was severely
abused, it seemed like the most logical thing to do,...To get rid of all the
negative connotations attached to his name and old life.
We named him KoKoMo, a totally different sound from Charlie, He responds very
well to it, actually quicker then any of mine do.:-)
If your little one is having a hard time adjusting to the new name.. it helps
to put the two together for a while, and then drop the old.
Like call her Avi-Thunder, or Avi-whatever then drop Avi.
It's worked very well with my Ferrets, and dogs too!
And it's a smoother transition if your worried about messing with the little
girls head!
If your considering a new name let me know, I've started a book of them, I've
thought maybe one day to get it printed out or put in a file like the Ferret
Faq, for those who need one, they can research the file, and maybe find
something they like.
Below are the names of all my ferrets, past and present.
MASKeteer's Putter'Roo
"            "     Lady GhenWevar
"            "     Mohki Man
"            "     Nike Nite
"            "     Socha Lil'Tail
"            "     Maiden Charm
"            "     Ijjee Jubilee
"            "     Mizz Mystique
"            "     Deja Voo
"            "     Tinker Toy Too
"            "     Sir Zephyrus
"            "     My T. Zackeri
"            "     Zipper Boy
"            "     M.R. Motley
"            "     Nestle Quick
"            "     Fudge O'Matic
"            "     Chip's Ahoy
Well best of luck!
Take care all,
A ferret by any other name, would still smell as sweet? Hmmmm I must ponder
upon this one!
Michelle and The MASKeteers:-)
[Posted in FML issue 0907]