Chris--hope you and your family have a wonderful vacation! You will be visiting
some of my favorite areas, especially Nova Scotia. Hope you see lots of whales!
I'm sorry that you will be leaving the FML; you've done a really wonderful
job!! I hope it can continue in its present format, though I know it takes a
lot of work and commitment! I stopped reading rec.pets because there was too
much upsetting stuff on it, so I'm definitely in favor of a moderated list. I
also really like receiving one list a day (instead of separate messages); maybe
we've been spoiled??? Anyway, thanks, Chris, and I hope you have a great
Congratulations to Mark O. and family! (I love the pacifier stories)
Hi Troy Lynn--have you ever had any luck with your rabies work with some of the
national groups, like HSUS? I don't know how they stand on ferrets, but maybe
they could be of some help? Or someone like Michael Fox--I don't know how
accessible he is, but there must be someone out there who can help...?
Cinderella seems to be accepting Norman for longer periods of time (usually
until the big oaf jumps on her). The other day she had a large piece of his
cheek in her mouth, so at least she is defending herself. Also, whenever
Cinderella starts squealing, Sheena (the sheltie) comes running over and tries
to break them up.
I recently saw Norman standing on his back legs on top of a large Iams cat food
tin, looking at a bookshelf that he had obviously not noticed before. I could
almost hear the wheels turning as he contemplated his new find; Norman is very
big on pulling books off shelves.
Both Norman and Cinderella love to sleep in one of the bottom kitchen drawers,
which they access from below. The other day I heard some banging of pots and
pans. A little while later I opened the top drawer (right under the counter)
and there was Cinderella asleep among the potholders. She had gone through the
cabinet below with all the pots and pans and wended her way upward. I can't
imagine a household without these little guys!
--Ronnie (Cinderella & Norman's mom in Massachusetts)
[Posted in FML issue 0921]