Matt and I found a super toy for Kitka (who is improving where biting is
concerned, thanks to all who helped us out with great ideas) and
Charlotte. It is called a Squiggle Ball and we found it in one of those
nature stores in our local mall (Albuquerque, NM). It is made of hard
plastic and takes one AA battery. It rolls on its own and changes
direction if it meets the least resistance. It is too big for our little
ones to really get a grip on so they chase it, and chase it, and chase
it...get distracted, and it shoots by them catching their attention once
again! It had a rubber band-like decoration that we took off before we
set it on the floor. They have been going at it for 20 minutes or so and
are still playing with it. At $9.00 it is a little pricey, but we like
spoiling our new little girls.
[Posted in FML issue 0920]