  My wife and I have a question we hope somebody can answer.  One of our
males (a foundling--we *think* he's about 8 years old) recently developed
what we've heard called 'orange crusties' on his back.  These look much
like semi-oozing watery wounds or sores. They sort of look like what you
might expect to see if a ferret had yanked a wad of hair out except that
they don't seem to heal on their own.  The vet says this is due to an oil
buildup that causes a rash-like skin reaction.  We've been treating them with
Panalog, which seems to be making a difference.
  Have other people's ferrets acted as if these are painful?  Ripple (the
ferret in question) definitely reacts when we apply the Panalog.  It was
our understanding that these spots shouldn't really be very sensitive.
Steven and Colleen
Constantly Matching Wits with Missy, Newone, Zebulon, Minx,
                              Slinky, Puck, and Ripple
[Posted in FML issue 0919]