response to Dixon's comment about his washer being a ferret-killer:
        I think it all depends on the washer and dryer.  At our old apartment,
there was a washer which had a large opening in the back - the ferrets could
easily climb in, and we had to be extra careful about not running the washer
when they were out.  When we moved in December, though, we bought ourselves our
own washer and dryer.  These don't have any openings in the back at all, and
they are very low to the ground (the ferrets do not seem able to get
underneath).  You certainly have to be careful about washers and dryers, but
its also possible to get a good set where you no longer have to worry...
        As for our fridge, our ferrets managed to pull the faceplate/toe-kick
off the front bottom section (that little tiny part at the bottom of the
fridge) and get into the insulation!   We promptly got a couple bricks and
placed them in front of the faceplate so they can't get in anymore.  (We had
already blocked off all around the fridge so they can't get behind it, since
there's an opening in back...).  I'd be careful with the fridge - even if they
can't get near running parts, they may be able to get near insulation (and I
doubt all ferrets would be smart enough not to eat it...)
[Posted in FML issue 0907]