Vixen has what our vet believes is an impacted anal gland.  Recommendation
is surgery to remove the gland, however, it's possible it won't enlarge, or
it may enlarge enough to rupture causing infection and warrant surgery.
Fortunately, I spotted it soon enough to take time in making my decision.
It's just large enough to cause a slight purpling of the skin and barely
visible unless you're looking for it.  I gently tried to release the
fluid (perhaps too gently) without success.  It isn't causing any pain or
discomfort because Vixen never squirmed or even flinched for me or the
doctor.  Here's our problem - Vixen was 7 yrs old in June.  Her family
line is full of cancer - her father died of insulinoma (Nikki), 2 sisters
have insulinomas (Whitney & Teddy Bear), another sister (Ruby) died 4
months after tail amputation (because of a growth) and a stroke.  To
this day Vixen has not shown any symptoms of cancer but because of her
family line I assume she too is or will be affected.  While stress has
not been scientifically proven to cause cancer cells to mestastasize,
after what Ruby went through I believe it is a strong contributing factor.
As Ruby's stroke was probably caused by a blood clot from surgery, I
asked if there were any main blood vessels and there are, so the same
thing could happen to Vixen.  To compound an already difficult decision,
Vixen is normally a "touch-me-not" "I'm independent" ferret but at the
vets office she laid across my chest with her little head and paws
resting on my shoulder the entire time.  And she's the last healthy (or
so I thought) one of my original line of ferrets.  I had her grandfather,
grandmother, dad and sister, and still have her mom (Prissy who is blind
and has to be syringe fed) and 2 sisters.  I'm leaning towards the "wait
and see what happens" side.  If I choose surgery and she dies, I'd never
forgive myself (I still haven't for Ruby).  Is there a way without surgery
to get rid of the obstruction in the gland?  Could she release it on her
own if she tries to "skunk" someone?  Unlike Coco Puffs (peee yuuu), it's
been years since Vixen has let her scent go.  Would warm compresses help?
(I'll probably try them tonight)  I'd appreciate any input anyone has -
you can e-mail me directly if you'd like, although other FMLr's may be
interested in this subject too.  In case anyone is wondering, I never
descent my own or FFS ferrets.  Thanks in advance!
Tailwagging -
Willow and Sabie wag tails when they are upset or I accidently (yeah right)
step on them.  I think it looks adorable but unfortunately I'd never had
one do it because they are happy - just agitated.  When someone Willow
doesn't like is in our dryer tube toy - they'll be at one end and
Willow at the other with only his black/grey/white tail flipping and
and flopping about on the outside.  I think he even gets more upset when
he hears me giggle!
Hugs!  tle
[Posted in FML issue 0919]