Has anyone heard of an ear cleaning product called Solvaprep?
The vet recommended it today, over Oti-Clens and Ear-Groom,
those being too drying in his opinion.  It's made by SOLVAY
Animal Health.  I don't know what the ingredients are, except
that propylene glycol is one of them.  My little furries don't
seem to squirm as much for it as for other cleansers.  (They'll
never be thrilled about having their ears cleaned, though!)
Rocko definitely had ear mites.  Miraculously, Randall's test
had no mites, but he's on Tresaderm as well, just in case.  The
vet was great, loves ferrets, and everyone in the office just
adored the carpet sharks.  One sign of a great vet for your
pet is how many and what questions s/he asks about how you
care for that particular type of pet.  He was impressed at how
eager I was to learn about ferrets, rather than just buying
one and doing lots of wrong or harmful things - I know _I_
hate the idea of ferrets being stuck with owners who got them
because they're a "cool"/"trendy" pet, and who don't love and
care for them well.
Randall is absolutely _determined_ to get into my kitchen
garbage can!  He does the standing high jump, trying to
get into the top.  I looped some string around it and fixed the
string to the wall, because he'd squirmed behind the can and
knocked it over.  I even had to put it up on a small box, as he
managed to clear the height of the can and fall in.  I then sat
and watched as he frustratedly jumped up and down, repeatedly,
trying to get into the can!  There wasn't even any food or
anything in it; he just wanted to be in it because I didn't
want him to be there.  (Ferret Logic:  If they don't want you to
go somewhere, it's got to be really fun for you in there.  Works
for little kids too.)  I was doubled over laughing at how determined
he was.  I'm almost scared to think of what he might figure out
Best wishes to all ferrets and their humans (and other friends) -
 - Rocko (Eeeew, Mom!  Stop putting that junk in my ears!)
 - Randall (At least I don't have to have mine _cleaned_ as
     often as you do...)
 - and Grumpy (teddy bear hamster who obviously has no contact with
     the ferrets and thus has squeaky-clean ears)
[Posted in FML issue 0913]