Hello again,
    Well here is another ferret thing that my SO (Andrea) thinks that
something may be wrong here.  Well we are trying to introduce Jake to our
other two crumb-snatchers (Who still do not get along to well, but kinda
sleep together now) and Iago treats Jake rather good, she is gentle grabbing
him by the neck and taking him on a tour of the house, all Jake does is kinda
whine about it.  Abu is the one that is having problems with all this, she
grabs Jake by his head, ear, body or whatever other body part he can find and
instead of dragging him around, she just shakes him very violently and pins
him down and pulls and Jake cries like we have never heard before.  We have
found teeth marks scabbed up, but no blood drawn.  We have Jake just about
off of moistened food and he is 9 weeks old and I think it is close to being
his time to being put with the other two, but Andrea insists we wait till he
is older and larger to put him with them.  Does any other MF (Multiple
Ferret) Owners have any advice on this?  We asked about Iago and Abu
previously, but with Jakes age we are worried about injury.
Todd (The Daddie)
Andrea (Mommie)
Iago and Abu (Better Run and Hide!)
Jake (Just let me sleep!)
Jeepers (OH NO! Not another one!)
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[Posted in FML issue 0910]