This bounced off the old address a few times, so please forgive its being a
few days old...
For those of you who get the new cable channel FX:
Today, Wednesday, July 6th, their morning show, BREAKFAST TIME, had a segment
about "exotic" pets and featured together two ferrets, an opossum and a
chuckwalla. One of the two ferrets was referred to as "rare" in that he was
actually a "nice" ferret and didn't bite. References were made to the fact
that ferrets bite as a part of their play, that they do have spines
(some people obviously believe they don't!)
(demonstrated by putting a ferret in a clear plastic tube, blocking both ends
with hands, and watching the ferret reverse itself a few times trying to get
out of the tube). The audience was told that, although very friendly, ferrets
are definitely not for everyone.
That was it. Perhaps a total of 2 minutes, and then off to the opossum. Sort
of a mixed message, and certainly not the entire bank of knowledge we want
the public to consider when they see a ferret. It was interesting to note
that this segment took place in Madison Square Park, NYC.
FX has a live show daily at 2:30 called the PET CONNECTION that's actually
quite good. I haven't seen ferrets on it yet (we try to tape the show), and I
think that a more in-depth look at the ferret is called for.  Perhaps you'd
like to join me in voicing my concern that ferrets get a square deal on FX.
The channel prides itself on being live and quickly responding to fax and
voice calls. 1-212-802-4204 is their fax number. Encourage them to devote
more time to the third most popular carnivore pet in the country!
[Posted in FML issue 0884]