Just thought I'd share a funny story with everyone.
I have a 5 mo. old male ferret named Trouble.  He has, ever since I've had
him, liked to sleep on his back with all fours spread.  One day, after
noticing this, my husband said "You gotta see this."  I looked at him and
said "That's how he always sleeps."  I had never had a ferret before, but my
husband had several and he said "I've never seen one sleep like that."
Several weeks later, he went in to check on them (Trouble and the female,
Avi)  and he was again sleeping on his back...He said "I poked him several
times and he was just SOO stiff and he didn't move.  And I slapped his cage
and got no reaction.  And I slapped it again, and he finally moved.  I
really thought he was dead."  (Most times I go in to wake him, he wakes
up with a few pokes and calling his name a couple of times.)  A couple
weeks after that, my brother-in-law was in from Detroit and went to go
look at them.  "I poked him five or six time pretty hard and got n
reaction, so I grabbed the pooper scooper to go and bury him and he
Apparently, this ferret is a pretty sound sleeper...I hope I don't go
looking for him one day only to find out he's been buried alive.
I am not convinced that the two of them get along, so they have supervised
play time still.  I will be getting Trouble neutered pretty soon, perhaps
that will help somewhat.  I'm not counting on it helping too much, but
some improvement would be nice.
Say hello to all the fuzzies out there for me...
Alayne M. Whaley            !
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[Posted in FML issue 0902]