> From: anon
> Date: Wed, 20 Jul 94 22:34:19 CST
> Subject: Getting a 2nd ferret, with a twist
> finish my Ph.D.).  The disadvantage that I can think of is that he might
> miss his mommy, and playmate Rocko, when he moved - we'd see him every
> other weekend, but would this be too distressing?  I mean, people adopt
> rescued ferrets from previous owners, and they seem to turn out OK.
        I think Rocko and the new ferret would miss each other alot in
this case.  What I would do in your case is wait for your S.O. to get
his own place and then get the secound ferret.  This way they'll be
able to play together on weekends and realy won't get lonely when they
are seperated.  Just my two cents here.  If I take only one of my ferrets
for a ride and leave the other home I get the cold shoulder from the other
when I return.  They either miss each other or get jealous because the
other got to go for a ride.
>From anon, deleted
> Now comes the difficult part.  Peri has lived without another ferret for
> a couple of years now; the new girl (name to be determined) is young and
> social and very very playful.  Result: Peri's terrified.  How are we to
> get them accustomed to each other?  New girl just wants to play, but
> Peri is (I guess) reading the behavior as attack mode.  Suggestions?
> Thanks!
>         - anxious Peri, happy owner, and cutest possible new sharklet
        I would just let them take it slowly.  Eventualy Peri will get
accustomed to the new addition.  Just make sure there is no blood shed
either way, and within a few days to a few weeks they should be unseperable.
        Went to help the shelter gather up some junk for a yard sale on
Saturday.  They had the one of the the most adorable ferrets I've seen
in quite awhile.  She was a badger color.  The owner gave her up because
she was so mean.  They must have beat her or something because she did
nothing but give me ferret kisses and has never even bit anyone at the
shelter.  Go figure?  I'm thinking of taking her but I don't know if my
landlord would like it all that much.  I guess it wouldn't hert to ask.
        Brad, Sebastian, Mako, and Bambi.
[Posted in FML issue 0900]