Hi, it's Denise -
Using Archie, the FTP searcher, I searched for ferret and weasel
pictures.  I came up with the following sites and pictures.  There
may be other sites out there with duplicate pictures, but I only
listed the ones that could be connected with easily.
armstrong.nmsu.edu  (you may have problems here if you're using
         Minuet as your Internet interface; I did)
 - /public/ferrets
       weasel.jpg : white weasel with black eyes among snow and
                    evergreen trees
       weasels.jpg : 3 young brown weasels exploring outside
       ferret_f.jpg (~25K) : b&w pic, slightly out of focus, of 3
                    sable ferrets in basket (held by someone)
  *Tim Baggett informs me that he plans to scan and upload some
     pics of his ferret Ashley when he has time; he uploaded the
     above pics to the site.
 - /pub/wuarchive/multimedia/images/gif/w
       weasels.gif (24K) : b&w cartoon of weasels (wearing beach
                   gear) swarming over a beach, and a startled
                   lone weasel, yelling "Beach attack!"
 - /pub/pictures/animals
       weasel.jpg (133K) : same as at armstrong.nmsu.edu
       weasels.jpg (194K) : same as at armstrong.nmsu.edu
 * This might be useful if your software has trouble with
    the setup at armstrong.
 - /mirror/vms/DECUS/lt93a/nz/bate_t
       ferret.gif (54K) : brown "ferret" outside; looks wet and
                  more like a weasel or otter.
AOL accounts:
I have a trial AOL account, so I checked through the various
pictures available for downloading there.  I didn't find any
ferrets/weasels/polecats/etc. there, but I may have missed
something.  (Michelle?  Found anything there?)
That's about it.  If anyone knows someone who'd be willing to
scan and upload FMLers' "baby pictures," I'm sure they'd be
greatly appreciated, but probably very busy.  :)
ObFerretPrank: Take my word for it - never let a ferret in the
same room as a hamster running in his hamster ball.  While I
was standing right over him, Rocko grabbed an edge on the ball
in his teeth and started to drag it off!
Denise, Rocko (Aww, I hate sitting still for the camera, unless
     I'm sleeping.), and Grumpy (teddy bear hamster; very grumpy
     that Rocko tried to claim him and his ball as a new toy)
[Posted in FML issue 0898]