Thanks to the people who responded with places to find fuzzies in the
Portland area -- I only wish I'd gotten the answers before we actually
went to Portland (digest mode does have its problems).  However, I did
successfully smuggle a little girl back home!  No problems at the border,
they were looking for fruit, it was about 1 in the morning and I guess
we looked honest...  (we'd also hidden her in a musical instrument case
just in case...)
Now comes the difficult part.  Peri has lived without another ferret for
a couple of years now; the new girl (name to be determined) is young and
social and very very playful.  Result: Peri's terrified.  How are we to
get them accustomed to each other?  New girl just wants to play, but
Peri is (I guess) reading the behavior as attack mode.  Suggestions?
        - anxious Peri, happy owner, and cutest possible new sharklet
[Posted in FML issue 0898]