zephyr says HI to all!   but this is about her predisesor,  zelda.  well
zelda was always a little contankeruos/antisocial,  but loved me and would
play with me.  she was about 5 when i moved to the country.  of course you
have to have mousers (cats).  well she was "queen" and was tolerated by the
cats.  i would say get a kitten.  by all means keep nancy.  some little ones
are more loners than others and NO reason to get rid of them.  just love her
and speaking of silverware drawers....... i don't have mine any more.  it was
taken over several monthe ago.  along with the new couch which has a hole
under the cushions.  now mind you i only have one drawer in the kitchen  or
should i say HAD!    oh well  just gotta love 'em more!
one last funny....zephy was in the bathroom playing in the trash and tried to
get into a T-P roll (empty),  well she decided that she didn' fit/like it and
ran into the toilet with the roll still on her head and mushed it on tighter.
 she was bouncing all around and i had to rescue her from the bad old roll.
 she hasn't done that again.
hugs to all,
kathy. and zephy!
[Posted in FML issue 0892]