Hi all.
My name is Marilyn and I've posted only about two other times.  This list
is very informative and I enjoy the crazy stories, ferret sayings, and songs.
Problem:  I have two ferrets Jay Jay, who will be 4 in Nov. and Maxine, who
turns 2 in Dec.  Anyway Maxine hates dogs. Before I moved out on my own we
had two dogs which never really encountered my ferrets.  One day my dog
Ivory came into my bedroom while my ferrets were loose Jay Jay paid her no
mind as he usually ignores because he's very conceeded.  Anyway as soon as
Maxine saw her she ran up to her and bit her in the leg and so we let Ivory
out of the room.  Now I moved out on my own and my roomate was given the cutest
tiniest malteese, she's all white like Maxine and looks sort of like a cotton
ball, or rug ball, Motee is her name.  Well in the begining Motee would just
sit in front of the ferrets cage and just look and smell them.  So ok they were
seeing each other and smelling one another.  When we took the ferrets out
to meet her Jay Jay was fine he ignored her for a while and then he tryed
to play with her by doing his ferret dance around her and seeing if she'd
respond.  Very little did Motee respond as she's also very conceeded.  Once
again as did Maxine the first time when she saw Motee, ran up to her and bit
her in the leg.  Motee just ran away scared and under my bed she went.  And
every chance Maxine gets she'll run up to poor Motee and terrorize her.  I
feel so bad as I want them all to get along.  Jay Jay is fine with everyone,
I've never really had a problem he played with my other friends dogs and
even a cat that we had for a short time Maxine also has had her share of
encounters and played but what I've noticed is that My dog Ivory was sort of
white like Ivory... and now Motee is also white. Could it be she doesn't like
or want any other white animals in my life but her so she's bad to them?
Has anyone had a similar expierence that may be able to shed some light on
my situation.  She's very rough when she plays and is very bad and I say bad
only because she has done things that Jay Jay would never, I think,  do to me.
But that's my Maxine and I love her non-the-less. "What's your opinon,"
We'd like to know?  Any help out there?!
Marilyn, Ivy (roomate), Motee, the rug/cotton ball beauty.
Jay Jay: ginger/cinnamon colored ferret.  Maxine: Albino baby.
[Posted in FML issue 0889]