Hello again. Well, the new ferret is *gradually* being accepted by the
others. Cassie's getting the worst of it; the new guy is just too energetic
for her. When he starts wrestling with her she tries to fight back, but even
at just 8 weeks age he's too much for her. At least Bud has the advantage of
greater size; if the new guy gets too uppety Bud just holds him down and
chews on his head for a while :). Not that that slows him down; as soon as
Bud lets him up he's ready for more :). But Cassie isn't as big or muscular
as Bud; with her just under two pounds, the new guy will soon outweight her
(he's already about 1.5 pounds at 8 weeks age). Cassie sure isn't enjoying
this so far. I haven't heard her hiss in months (she does so when frustrated
or scared), but lately she's been hissing a *lot*. My poor baby. I buy a new
ferret so she'll have a livelier playmate than Bud, and she ends up being
the least happy about it :(. Oh well, I'm sure they'll work things out
     I still haven't settled on a name for the new one. I've tried to think
of something that fits his qualities (cute, rambunctious, slippery, sociable,
silver colored) and doesn't sound too much like the other ferrets' names (Bud
and Cassie); something cute, but not *too* cute. But nothing comes to mind.
I'm still calling him Sammy, and I'd be happy with that except it's a little
too close to Cassie. Some others I've considered are Shadow, Scooter, Beaker,
Jojo, Dodger. Someone suggested Coors (the silver bullet :). Not bad, but
it just doesn't quite sit right. Anyone have any ideas? Better yet, if you
could email the names of *your* ferrets, it might give me some inspiration
(please email direct to me though; we don't want to flood The List). Thanks
in advance.
John, Buddy, Cassidy, and 'Sammy'?
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
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[Posted in FML issue 0887]