Too hot in my opinion is over 85.  Ferrets seem to start to strain at that
temperature.  95 deg. I'd consider dangerous and life threatening over a
relatively short period of time.  With mine the high temperatures seem to be
cumulative.  They may stand 90 deg one day OK, but not so OK the next, and
positively poor the following.  Up to this year we had one small room and one
small air conditioner for the ferrets.  When it got too hot (85-90) they went
into that room and didn't come out until it cooled off.  This year we broke
down and air conditioned more of the house so they have more room to roam.
Flea and tic shampoo - any listed as safe for kittens seems to be OK for
ferrets.  Pyretheians (bad sp - never could spell) is the chem of choice but
watch out.  I;ve seen some with very high concentrations, not recommended for
kittens.  Flea collars are a no-no.  I've never found a kitten safe flea
powder so I'd tend to stay away from those unless you KNOW it's safe.
Nail clippers - we use the human nail variety.  A couple drops of Ferretone
(diluted 2 to 1, olive oil to ferretone) on the tummy helps entertain them
while you clip.
Fleas tend to be an ongoing problem.  The eggs will hatch after a few weeks
and you're back into the same problem.  When we get any into our shelter with
fleas, they get a bath with a kitten safe shampoo.  Their bedding is changed
every day and washed immediately in hot water and bleach.  The ferrets get
bathed again within one week; and one  week after that. Carpets are vaccumed
and sprayed with flea killer (keep ferrets out of the area until the air is
clear and don't let them play on the carpet in that area for several weeks
afterward.  There is supposed to be a ferret safe flea spray for use on
carpets and furnishings.  I don't remember the name.  Maybe someone else out
there does and then we will both know.
[Posted in FML issue 0875]