Recipe & Seeds
Regarding feeding critically ill or post operative ferrets is very difficult
yet extremely important.  It is critical to get both energy and high quality
protein into them, usually in small meals, yet throughout the day.  If
possible, feed a high-quality, complete and balanced ferret food (all the
energy, protein, vitamins and minerals in a single food)  Wetting the food or
making a gruel may be necessary if the animal is older or for dental
If this is not possible, the following is one we have used and recommend and
has done well for most ill ferrets.
1 C Totally Ferret (balance & complete food)
1/4 c Hills or Iams Feline Growth Canned cat (taste)
1/2 Tablespoon of Kayo light syrup (taste and energy)
1/2-1 Tablespoon Ferretone or veg oil (taste and energy)
Mix well or add enough water (NO MILK) to make gruel if needed.
This or any special diet should be fed ONLY when all else fails.  We
recommend not adding additional special vitamins or minerals because this
imbalance, even though small, can cause an ill ferret major problems.  Please
contact us if you have any question.  Have tried to reach you via phone but
has been busy.
Dr. Tom Willard, Ph.D.
Animal Nutritionist
Performance Foods, Inc.
[Posted in FML issue 0874]