I may not know what constitutes an FFZ, but I checked in St. Paul before
I got my ferret.  I called Environmental Health.  Exotic Animals in St.
Paul, including ferrets can be kept with a permit.  They said they also
thought that the case was the same in Minneapolis but you will have to call
their Environmental Health Department.  Permits cost $25 and involve
permission of your neighbours in a 75 foot radius, and 75% of your
apartment complex and a health inspector to come and check the premises.
A big pain especially if your apartment complex does not allow pets, but
not impossible by any means.  I also contacted DEFFBAM and they said that
indeed permits are needed in St. Paul but very few people have them.  I
neglected to ask what happens to them if they are caught.
                                Still signing my name
[Posted in FML issue 0873]