Hy to all!
The last time I posted was in issue 803. I was the one who's ferret
thought to be a head tilt.
Thanks to Dr. Williams!
It's now six weeks ago and my ferret is almost o.k. It has
been a STROKE!
She has a little trouble with her head, she can't hold it
very straight, but this will remain. But she eats and drinks and
rushes through my flat with the other one. The other one was very
close to her during this time of her disease, she always laid beside
and took care of her. It was very lovely for me to see.
Now she can go into the bath tumb and in her cage herself again and
I'm very happy that this works out well!
I wanted you to know my joy!
Bye, bye, christine
[Posted in FML issue 0873]