Hi everyone.
Wanted to let you know how the day went at the Ferret Frolics in Seattle
today.  It was wonderful.  I love seeing so many of the little ones all
in one place.  Channel 4 TV was even there to tape some of it.  As for
my bunch.  Well.. We ran away with first and second place in the 3 flag race.
Villa beat his record last year of 37 seconds down to 32 seconds and we
got Doc into it this year and he made second place with 33 seconds to run
the coarse.  The others tried other events but did not win any awards but it
was fun to try anyway.  Mouse, Raven, Silva, and Wolf did a darn good job
and winning the hearts of about everyone there so I guess we did pretty
good.  When a mom is proud she likes to share it so that's why I'm braging.
Hope you all had a good weekend.
Lil Knights --Nuget
[Posted in FML issue 0873]