Last time I had brought Fezzik in to the vet, the vet commented about the fact
that Fezzik's teeth weren't chipped - he said that its very common for those
upper canines to get chipped: either the ferret falls from somewhere, or trips,
and the upper canines get chipped really easily.  Well, Fezzik now *does* have
a chipped canine.  I don't know how it happened, but it doesn't seem to be
bothering him at all.  He let me touch it and put pressure on it and didn't
give any sign of feeling discomfort from it, and his eating habits haven't
changed at all.  My question is, is there something that can be/should be done
about it?  I've never heard of ferret dentistry, but I suppose that doesn't
mean anything.  Is there something that should be done?
[Posted in FML issue 0871]