I am also a ferret freedom fighter in a FFZ.
This FFZ is so darned puritanical that between
blue laws and it's high taxes I see no hope in
sight for MA.
  My ferret, Spanky is an Ecu-sable?  He is hefty
and full of vigor.  He loves to chase my roomates'
cats and try to recreate their gracefullness.
(So he flops from couch to couch) His buddy, Tyler,
my other roomate's ferret is skinny and guilty-eyed.
Spanky loves to drag him around by the gruff and
pounce on him.  Also when I am at work (2 jobs),
Spanky loves to punce on my bbs's keyboard...
I never know who he brings into a co-sysop chat :)
  Does anyone else know the status of MA's FFZ laws?
I would like to help change the warped minds of these
people who seem like they are out to persecute ferrets
due to ignorance.  I would like someday to walk my pal
on a leash and let him enjoy a nice outdoor walk.
FFZ's make me sick.  Isn't this the same ignorance that
causes hate wars?
  Back to my ferret...  Since I bought him a year ago,
I never locked him up.  I always let him run around
and sleep under my fouton (spelling?).  I would come home
and find him sleeping in my bed and leave his pretzels
(euphemism for dung) in 3 corners of the room and in the
litter box.  I have been trying to train him since,
without having to lock him up.  Bitter Apple doesn't seem
to work as much (has little impact).  One thing though,
Spanky likes hard wood floors (rugs are probably uncomfortable
to crouch down on?).  Any ideas on how to better train my pal?
(he seems to knock over any obstacles in the corners- cardboard boxes,etc)
 Lastly, I have yet to take Spanky to a vet.  I mean, I probably have to
travel out of state to find a vet that will 'service' (hehe) Spanky.
Other than that - I feed him well (often too much - chinese food, thai,
indian, Zima, you name it.. he loves it).  I even leave him ice cubes in
his water bowl in the summer and the air conditioning on so he doesn't
dehydrate.  Is this love or what.. hehe
Anyone else ferreting in MA? (vet tips?)
[Posted in FML issue 0869]