Melissa and the omni-mobile Potpie here.
To Chris: i get the impression that ferret personalities vary
widely from individual to individual. There're lots of noises
Potpie doesn't make, for example, that i get the impression
she'd have to have been around other ferrets to pick up. As
long as he's healthy and seems to be having fun with you and
you with him, i wouldn't worry too much. :)
Re: living in a FFZ. What I found was helpful was to call places
like the DNR and Dept of Wildlife, Public Health, etc, and find
out what they do when they find out someone's got a ferret. Talk
to local owners and pet stores and see what the 'gossip' is on
ferret owners--for example, i heard that in MI the local police
are incredibly lenient in my area; that the DNR, if someone is
reported as having a ferret, won't immediately confiscate it-
you get a warning. and if they dont get a report, they could care
less--rumors are that there are about 10,000 ferrets in MI, and
im certain that lots of these officials own them :).
Best of luck,
Potpie, 'no, im NOT telling you how i got onto the counter'
Melissa, 'the little dweeb knocked EVERYTHING off...grr....'
[Posted in FML issue 0869]