Robin & Sam (and Judy and Timmy):
You asked about people giving their ferrets run of only part of the house and
how they divided it - we give our ferrets run of 2 rooms when we aren't around,
and then they can come out to the rest of it when we're around (to make sure
they don't get into too much trouble!).  We went to the hardware store and
bought quarter inch (or 3/8 inch?) pressed board, and cut it to make a "half-
door" -- its about 2 and a half feet tall (or maybe closer to three).  We can
step over it, but the ferrets can't climb it.  But we also put it on little
hinges, and have a magnetic cabinet latch on it -- we can just push it open as
we walk through it (or pull it, depending on the direction we're headed), but
the ferrets can't open it.  Also, if we swing it open, it automatically closes
itself (since the latch is just a magnet).  It works REALLY well - we can climb
over it if the ferrets are at our feet and we don't want to let them get out,
or just walk on through if they're elsewhere.  Also, since its only a thin half-
door, we can hear them as soon as they wake up.  And they don't scratch at it
much- the magnet keeps the door pretty firm (they seem to scratch most at doors
with poor latches that wobble when scratched - where they think they are
getting somewhere!).  And we have it so that there is next to no space
underneath the door....
-Rochelle & Dave
        Fezzik, Shadow (ferrets); Gruagach (Deerhound puppy); & Sicard (ig)
[Posted in FML issue 0847]