Robert & Lynda
Re your ferret with problems of eating and the fact that you want to be sure
it gets a good source of protein and energy.  We have fed the following diet
to chronically ill ferrets with positive results.
1 cup Totally Ferret ferret food
1/4 cup Hills Science Diet Feline Growth or comparable quality canned cat
1 Tablespoon Karo light syrup
1/2  Tablespoon Ferretone
Mix the above in a blender if the ferret is unable to eat large pieces.
Otherwise, blend by hand and feed several times a day or free choice.  Keep
unused portions refrigerated.  Continue feeding as long or until solid food
can be given.
Good luck and please let us know how you are getting along!
Dr. Tom Willard, Ph.D.
Animal Nutritionist
Performance Foods, Inc
[Posted in FML issue 0862]