Hi, ferret folks!
I'm a new ferret owner, and I have found the list and the FAQ & co very
helpful. However, with all the warnings of how many things ferrets can
chew up and swallow, how likely intestinal blockages are, and how many
dangerous places ferrets can weasel into, I'm afraid to let the Woozle
out of her cage when I'm not in the room to supervise.
I get the impression that most (?) of you give your ferrets free run
of at least some rooms at all times--is that true?  Its not that
I'm worried about her trashing the house (I have hyperactive Korat
cats and two parrots, so there's not much left to trash).  I want
her to have enough stimulation, but I don't want to rush her in
for emergency surgery, either.
She's a delightful, friendly little girl--glad to get out (she's out
for about 2-3 hr on weekdays, 5 or 6 on weekends), and see her playmates
--human or feline. Is this enough time "at large?" I'd appreciate your input.
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[Posted in FML issue 0860]