Yes it is true that ferrets are legal in Baltimore county and City. The
county came around several months ago and the city in the past couple of
weeks. It was all due to the tireless work of one person, Diane Rogers of the
Baltimore Ferret Club.
Diane, the former president of Metro Ferrets and now president of  Balto
Ferrets, has been working trielessly on this by herself since starting her
ferret club a year and a half ago. Diane lives in Balto city in old historic
Dickyville and has been holding ferret events there for years. It seems the
authorities had only two officers who were in charge of animal control and
couldn't care less about ferrets. The county was pretty easy, but when Diane
presented her information to the City Council, they asked her to return with
more. At that time she was able to show them the rough cut version of the new
Pet Pals Ferret Video from Budd Sanford of SEI productions in California (I
met Budd at the HSUS convention in San Diego and he has bent over backwards
to help us in our work). Even though the music wasn't there and the editing
wasn't finished, It helped win them over. It just goes to show what can be
done by one person! Well done Diane.
[Posted in FML issue 0859]